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dip and strike compass
Measuring dip and strike
How to measure dip...
sandstone classification header
Classification of sandstones
This post is part...
Calcite cemented subarkose, Proterozoic Altyn Fm. southern Alberta
Sandstones in thin section
Calcite cemented...
Mapping the structural contours across a stratigraphic unit reveals a three-dimensional picture of its subsurface distribution, deformation, structural relief, and stratigraphic displacement along faults. The structure here is a north-plunging, asymmetric anticline, its eastern limb the steepest. The data needed for this exercise is usually acquired from borehole intersections and velocity-depth conversions from seismic profiles.
Plotting a structural contour map
Mapping the structural...
Fluid flow: Froude and Reynolds numbers
Supercritical and...
Stokes Law for particle settling in a schematic context of other fluid flow functions
Fluid flow: Stokes Law and particle settling
Stokes Law and the...
poles to bedding great circles
Stereographic projection – poles to planes
This post is part...
Classification of sedimentary basins
A schematic of sedimentary...
One of my grandfather's model ships - a 3-masted barque
Geological models: An introduction
The posts in this...
dip and strike compass
Measuring dip and strike
sandstone classification header
Classification of sandstones
Calcite cemented subarkose, Proterozoic Altyn Fm. southern Alberta
Sandstones in thin section
poles to bedding great circles
Stereographic projection – poles to planes
Fluid flow: Froude and Reynolds numbers
Stokes Law for particle settling in a schematic context of other fluid flow functions
Fluid flow: Stokes Law and particle settling
Classification of sedimentary basins
Model are representational descriptions are written in different languages - diagrammatic, descriptive, mathematical, and conceptual. They commonly contain variables and dimensionless quantities that permit quantitative analysis of the physical systems the models represent.
Geological models