
Planetary geology

Geology of Io

There is no end to the fascinating geology, the inner and outer workings of the planets, their moons, asteroids, comets and other space flotsam and jetsam. It has almost become commonplace, that new data and images announce some new discovery, often unexpected, even weird. Satellites and landing craft sample atmospheres and rocks, give witness to distant eruptions and collisions, or search for possible landing sites for futures explorations.

I’ve never been involved in this kind of geological exploration, but I do enjoy writing about it, and in my imagination conduct geological field work in an ancient Martian river channel.

The posts linked here are in no particular order. For pictorial images I rely mostly on those available from NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) that are publicly available.


The posts:

Galileo’s finger

A measure of the universe: Renaissance slide-rules and heavenly spheres

Comets; portents of doom or icy bits of space jetsam?

Sand dunes but no beach; A Martian breeze

A watery Mars: Canals, a duped radio audience, and geological excursions

Which satellite is that? What does it measure?

Life on Mars; what are we searching for?

Io; Zeus’s fancy and Jupiter’s moon

The origin of life; Panspermia, meteorites, and a bit of luck

Near Earth Objects; the database designed to save humanity

Subcutaneous oceans on distant moons; Enceladus and Europa

Visualizing Mars landscape in 3 dimensions; stunning images from HiRISE

There are more exoplanets than stars in the universe

Witness to an impact

The Lake District – on Titan

Archeomagnetic jerks: Our decaying magnetic field



dip and strike compass
Measuring dip and strike
sandstone classification header
Classification of sandstones
Calcite cemented subarkose, Proterozoic Altyn Fm. southern Alberta
Sandstones in thin section
poles to bedding great circles
Stereographic projection – poles to planes
Fluid flow: Froude and Reynolds numbers
Stokes Law for particle settling in a schematic context of other fluid flow functions
Fluid flow: Stokes Law and particle settling
Classification of sedimentary basins
Model are representational descriptions are written in different languages - diagrammatic, descriptive, mathematical, and conceptual. They commonly contain variables and dimensionless quantities that permit quantitative analysis of the physical systems the models represent.
Geological models
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