

So far there are 2300 entries.

The Glossaries are organized under broad topics. Most terms are linked to the posts where they are used, or to other authoritative sources.

The descriptions are mostly drawn from my own experience – from doing, writing, reading, thinking, and learning from others. They won’t satisfy everyone. If information is missing, it is either by commission in the interests of brevity, or omission because of my ignorance. If any omission is egregious, let me know.

Sedimentary facies and processes


Sedimentary structures

Sedimentary basins and tectonics

Glossary: Petrography and petrology

Glossary: Geochemistry and diagenesis

Glossary: Geofluids – hydrogeology

Glossary: Structural geology

Glossary: Volcanology

Glossary: Paleontology

Glossary of planetary geology


NOTE: The alphabetic listing is NO LONGER MAINTAINED. All items in each alphabet category have been copied to the subject heading glossaries

dip and strike compass
Measuring dip and strike
sandstone classification header
Classification of sandstones
Calcite cemented subarkose, Proterozoic Altyn Fm. southern Alberta
Sandstones in thin section
poles to bedding great circles
Stereographic projection – poles to planes
Fluid flow: Froude and Reynolds numbers
Stokes Law for particle settling in a schematic context of other fluid flow functions
Fluid flow: Stokes Law and particle settling
Classification of sedimentary basins
Model are representational descriptions are written in different languages - diagrammatic, descriptive, mathematical, and conceptual. They commonly contain variables and dimensionless quantities that permit quantitative analysis of the physical systems the models represent.
Geological models
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