After studying Marine Sciences at the Universidade de Vigo (Spain) and completing her doctorate and postdoctoral research at Ifremer and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France), Elda Miramontes has been at the University of Bremen since 2019, initially as a junior professor (2019-2024) and since October 2024 as professor of Sedimentology at the Faculty of Geosciences and the MARUM Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences. In her research, she investigates sedimentary processes that determine the morphology of the seabed and the distribution of sediments and other particles (such as organic carbon and plastic) in the deep sea.
Elda uses a combination of different methods and datasets to analyse sedimentary processes in deep-water systems and their related deposits: geophysical data (multibeam bathymetry and seismic data), sediment cores, in situ measurements of currents (vessel-mounted ADCP and moorings), numerical hydrodynamic modelling and flume-tank experiments.
You can follow all the news about her work in Bluesky and ResearchGate:
Elda also has a website that lists her publications and contact details – https://www.marum.de/Prof.-Dr.-elda-miramontes-garcia.html