1993 Ph.D. Utrecht University; 1988 B.Sc. Utrecht University
The research interests of Jaco H. Baas have straddled the boundary between sedimentary geology and physical geography since graduating from Utrecht University (Netherlands). He had research positions in Kiel (Germany), Rouen (France), Bergen (Norway) and Leeds (England) before moving to Bangor (Wales), where he is now a University Reader in fine particle dynamics. Jaco’s research combines mathematical modelling, laboratory simulations and fieldwork to better understand sedimentary processes in river, shallow-marine and deep-marine environments. He adopts a comparative approach by studying these processes in modern environments and in the laboratory to better interpret the depositional products of these processes in the geological record. Jaco’s research has been funded by national governments and industry, encompassing different aspects of fine-grained, clay-rich sediment. Clays are ‘sticky’, cohesive, and therefore behave differently in terms of erosion, transport and deposition from sand and gravel-sized particles. Jaco manages the Hydrodynamics Laboratory and the Laser Particle Sizer laboratory in the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University. He also runs two B.Sc. degree courses at Bangor: Physical Geography & Oceanography. Jaco has published 75 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Current research
Jaco’s current research involves collaborations with colleagues in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Poland, U.S.A. and Brazil. Examples of current research projects are:
- Silt and very fine sand as main drivers of sediment deposition in submarine fans.
- Effect of ‘sticky’ biological polymers on the transport of sand and clay by underwater landslides.
- Validating a new model for particle suspension using laboratory flume experiments.
- An integrated process-based model of flutes and tool marks in deep-water environments.
- Dynamics of reef-derived sediment gravity flows.
- Experimental fluid dynamics of transient turbulent clay flows.
Email: j.baas@bangor.ac.uk