Laminated lower plane bed and upper plane bed sandstone lithofacies Use this link to
Category: The (really) Ancient Earth
Lenticular bedding, flaser bedding, and interference ripples Most crossbeds and their associated bedforms cannot be
Some basic gastropod morphology to assist sedimentological interpretations This is a companion post to bivalve
The utility of lithic grains as provenance indicators The composition of terrigenous sandstone is usually
19th century experiments that helped quantify the nature of fluid flow, surface waves, and bedforms.
Allochthonous terranes, suspect terranes, exotic terranes. In 1972 James Helwig introduced the concept of orogenic
Companion glossaries Sedimentary facies and processes Sedimentary structures Sedimentary basins and tectonics Glossary of sequence
Companion glossaries Ablation: The removal of ice and snow by melting, evaporation, wind erosion, sublimation
The rationale for classification of sedimentary basins The formulation of plate tectonic theory in the
The mechanical behaviour, or rheology of the lithosphere. Sedimentary basins are regions of long-term