Omens, God’s wrath, or just plain misfortune; comets were seen by our Medieval forebears as
Omens, God’s wrath, or just plain misfortune; comets were seen by our Medieval forebears as
Earth’s magnetic field is on the move – so too is magnetic North! Constancy in
Among wine drinkers, the term Terroir can invoke glazed expressions, or in real enthusiasts an
February 12 is Darwin Day. On this day in 1809 Abraham Lincoln was also born.
A rite of passage for many scientists is their elevation to some kind of editorial
Venus and Mars. Popular mythologies aside, neither planet has a particularly hospitable temperament. Both are
You never know what new treasures will be discovered strolling along a beach after a
Most of us at some time have gleefully created our own liquefied puddle by stomping
I always feel a sense of unease when hearing of natural disasters. I live in
Source: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Website. You can watch this short video on