The media loves hyperbole. In some ways they remind me of ‘The end is nigh’
Category: Science in Context
The media love natural disasters, even those that don’t exist. Last week (early October, 2017),
Toba Lake, in northern Sumatra, occupies the ancient Toba caldera. One of its outlets, the
Photosynthesis, a process that had its beginnings about 2.5 billion years ago, has an awesome
Several years ago I read Jerry P. King’s The Art of Mathematics (1992). Chapter 3
It rains quite a bit on Mamaku Plateau, the tableland underlain by volcanic debris that
The class field trip is underway. Teacher hands out the rap-around, virtual imaging glasses, and
Zeus, the head-honcho of assorted Greek gods, heroes, nymphs, and mortals, was chiefly the God
Life is a risky business. Not a day goes by when some aspect of our
This is the second in a series on the geological world under a microscope Geologists,