Glauconite – an important stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental indicator Glauconite is one of the most recognizable
Glauconite – an important stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental indicator Glauconite is one of the most recognizable
Two important contributors to bioclastic limestones – foram tests and skeletal sponge spicules Foraminifera
Bryozoa – are a complex but important group of reef and non-reef invertebrates and
Echinoderms and barnacles are important contributors to bioclastic limestones Echinoids are a diverse phylum with
Molluscan bioclasts are important components of tropical, and cool-temperate water limestones Bioclasts are probably the
This post continues the series on volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks in outcrop, with a brief
19th century experiments that helped quantify the nature of fluid flow, surface waves, and bedforms.
Natural analogues for full-sized fan deltas Walk any sandy beach at low water, negotiating flotsam,
Here is a brief description of a submarine channel complex in the Jurassic Bowser Basin
Teasing the tectonic subsidence from total basin subsidence Sedimentary basins are defined as regions of