An addition to the Lithofacies Series Use this link to read the introduction to the
An addition to the Lithofacies Series Use this link to read the introduction to the
Laminated lower plane bed and upper plane bed sandstone lithofacies Use this link to
Trough crossbeds and tabular crossbeds – two common lithofacies Use this link to read the
Common echinoderm shell-test characteristics to help identification Walk along any sandy or rocky shore and
Lenticular bedding, flaser bedding, and interference ripples Most crossbeds and their associated bedforms cannot be
Use this link to read the introduction to the lithofacies series. General occurrence: Also
Use this link to read the introduction to the lithofacies series. Ripples are ubiquitous
Lithofacies are the foundation of sedimentary rock description and interpretation This series of articles deals
Common trilobite characteristics to help with identification in outcrop and core Next to the dinosaurs,
Common brachiopod shell characteristics to help identification Tray upon tray of brachiopods, molluscs, trilobites, and