Some terminology for Thrust faults, duplexes, imbricate fans, and fold-thrust belts. Thrusts are reverse faults
Some terminology for Thrust faults, duplexes, imbricate fans, and fold-thrust belts. Thrusts are reverse faults
Basins formed by flexure of oceanic and continental lithosphere; foreland basin exemplars. What is flexure?
A fault is a plane or linear zone of displacement, where rocks on one side
Progression of continental rifting to sea floor spreading creates paired (conjugate) passive margins over which
Rift basins, ocean basins, and passive margins form a dynamic continuum within the framework of
The rationale for classification of sedimentary basins The formulation of plate tectonic theory in the
The thermal structure of the lithosphere influences its strength and rheology, and the diagenetic-metamorphic changes
Isostasy describes the state of balance between the lithosphere and asthenosphere. Isostasy describes the state
The mechanical behaviour, or rheology of the lithosphere. Sedimentary basins are regions of long-term
Sedimentary basins are lithosphere-scale structures. They occupy the uppermost levels of tectonic plates, responding to