Restoring paleocurrent trends to their pre-deformation orientations This post is part of the How To…
Category: In the field
Plotting the orientation of a plane on a stereonet; finding strike and dip from two
A graphical method for solving the three-point problem This post is part of the How
How to measure dip and strike This post is part of the How To… series
Greenland is giving up its secrets, one at a time Greenland’s ice-sheet is a significant
Soil, dirt, mud; weathering processes The stuff kids get covered in when they’re having fun.
We are regular visitors to the beach; walks with the kids-grandkids, the dog, swimming, fishing, or
I had the good fortune to work in the Atacama volcanic region a few years
This Atlas of Cool-Water Carbonates is a companion post to the Atlas of tropical carbonates,
How bits of ancient North America (Laurentia) were left behind in the Scottish Hebrides. The