Companion glossaries Angle of repose: The natural slope of loose, cohesionless sedimentary particles (sand, gravel)
Companion glossaries Angle of repose: The natural slope of loose, cohesionless sedimentary particles (sand, gravel)
Stratigraphic repetition, stratigraphic cycles, and stratigraphic trends We know with reasonable certainty that the sun
A look at stromatolites and cryptalgal laminates in outcrop This is part of the How
A look at alluvial fans in outcrop This is part of the How To…series on
A look at coarse-grained, braided rivers in outcrop This is part of the How To…series
A look at fine-grained, high sinuosity rivers in outcrop This is part of the How
A look at mass transport deposits in outcrop This is part of the How To…series
A look at turbidites in outcrop This is part of the How To…series on describing
A look at intertidal through subtidal deposits in outcrop This is part of the How
A post in the How to… series on carbonate mineralogy – limestone classification The classification