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A series of posts outlining the morphology of important macrofossil invertebrate groups. This kind of information is useful for initial field IDs (but not specific taxonomies).
A series of posts outlining the morphology of important macrofossil invertebrate groups. This kind of information is useful for initial field IDs (but not specific taxonomies).


403 articles, atlases, and glossaries to choose from

Herein you will find posts on Earth and planetary sciences, Art and Science and other digressions that focus on Science Communication and online resources for students of all disciplines, but particularly Geology. Post categories-topics are linked to the navigation bar or just head to the latest additions listed below.

You can also use the Search tab at top-right of any page or post.

I do this for the love of it. I do not receive any remuneration for the site (and I don’t advertise). The website ( is not attached or beholden to any organization.

A number of colleagues have kindly donated images for certain categories of posts. They are all acknowledged, usually in the caption to an image. They are also acknowledged in a Contributors Page.

The How to… articles are designed for geology students, providing outlines of method and theory for some of the basic tasks that geologists undertake in the field and lab. They are directed primarily at beginning and undergraduate geology students and anyone else wanting a reminder or primer, and as such are a bit more technical than other posts.

Peruse the Atlas series for images of different geological environments and processes, modern and ancient.

The Glossaries have been compiled mostly from the article subjects in this website. Links to the relevant posts are included. There are currently 11 glossaries and about 3000 entries.

And finally, if you would like to know something about me, where I’ve come from, where I’ve been – A geological life

If you use any of the images on this website, please follow the normal protocols for attribution – for example: Brian Ricketts or Geological Digressions followed by the article link/URL.

Conjugate fractures and en echelon tension gashes – indicators of brittle failure in Old Red Sandstone, Gougane Barra, County Cork, Ireland.
Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria
Stokes Law for particle settling in a schematic context of other fluid flow functions
Fluid flow: Stokes Law and particle settling
sandstone classification header
Classification of sandstones
Calcite cemented subarkose, Proterozoic Altyn Fm. southern Alberta
Sandstones in thin section
dip and strike compass
Measuring dip and strike
poles to bedding great circles
Stereographic projection – poles to planes
Recent Posts
Cam Potikohua lst thin section
Atlas of cool-water carbonates
beach pebbles
Atlas of sedimentary textures and fabrics
Typical Soil profile
Atlas of soils and weathering
Palancar cowfish
Atlas of modern coral reefs
Death Valley from Dante's View, looking east towards the Panamint Range (a block-faulted and uplifted metamorphic core complex). Salt flats in mid-view (mostly halite, some gypsum and borax), and a nice succession of (arid) alluvial fans that interfinger with the saline facies.  This is one of the classic Basin and Range couplings between fault blocks and intervening basin.
Atlas of alluvial fans
Close up of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone dune crossbeds with tangential toe-sets, Zion National Park, Utah. Image height is about 2m. Large sand dune complexes in a continental desert, about 180 million years ago.
Atlas of aeolian deposits
Mary Austin Holley
Mary Austin Holley (1784–1846)
orra hitchcock_drawing_of_three_families_of_nummulites
Orra Hitchcock 1796–1863
Elizabeth gray 1923 NHM
Elizabeth Gray (1831 - 1924)
turbidite experiments Kuenen header
Experiments with turbidity currents – three examples
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